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The Inhumans have always been one of Marvel's most enduring oddities. A race of genetic outsiders, they live secluded in their island kingdom of Attilan, preferring not to mix with the outside world. Even stranger, their genetic mutations are self-endowed; each Inhuman, as a coming-of-age ritual, endures exposure to the Terrigen Mists, a strange substance that imparts unearthly powers--some extraordinary, some monstrous. But now the kingdom of Attilan is under attack from without and within. Can the Royal Family, led by Black Bolt, repel the foreign invaders who blast at their outer defenses, as well as the internal threat of Black Bolt's insane brother, Maximus the Mad?

This popular series takes a classic Marvel cast of characters, and infuses it with a modern sensibility that includes international politics and an awareness of class systems. Dark and grimly compelling, the "Inhumans" is one story that won't be forgotten any time soon.

Show Info

Network: United States Syndication (2014 - 2014)
Default Runtime: 15 minutes
Status: Ended
Show Type: Animation
Genres: Science-Fiction

5.8 (10 votes)

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Previous Episode

Plan B

Episode 1x12; Apr 23, 2014

Previous Episodes

Episode NameAirdateTrailer
1x12: Plan BApr 23, 2014
1x11: Plan AApr 23, 2014
1x10: A Window to the SoulApr 23, 2014
View full episode list »

Extra Details

Also known as:
  • Marvel's The Inhumans (United States United States)
  • Сверхлюди (Russian Federation Russian Federation)
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