Frisky Dingo is an eleven minute animated series airing on Adult Swim by Matt Thompson and Adam Reed, co-creators of the cult hit, Sealab 2021. Supervillain Killface is finding that, in theory, destroying the world seems like a lot of fun, but in actual practice, it is a very dull and complicated process. There are many boring details to work out such as media buys, budgets and marketing. Every great villain needs a nemesis. Enter billionaire playboy Xander Crews. As the superhero Awesome X, Xander seems to be doing everything he can to stop Killface, but actually he just wants to make it look that way so his action figure line stays in business.
Show Info
Network: Adult Swim
(2006 -
Schedule: Sundays at 12:15
(15 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 12 episodes
Created by:
Matt ThompsonAdam Reed
Official site:
7.2 (13 votes)
Previous Episode
Differences Are Put Slightly Aside
Episode 2x12; Mar 23, 2008
Wendell rides Cody 2 around town... and he fornicates with it along the way. Everybody else races to the Annihilatrix while the Deceptacles make a stew out of Watley's decapited body in the motel swimming pool. Finally, Killface's alien brethren (and…
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
2x12: Differences Are Put Slightly Aside | Mar 23, 2008 | |
2x11: Cody Gains a Namesake | Mar 16, 2008 | |
2x10: Wendell Goes Undercover Again | Mar 9, 2008 |