The series begins during the Second World War as the Netherlands is struggling under the German occupation and Tom takes care of Snuf, a German shepherd. The dog is being directed by the mysterious Haaksma. And it is thanks to this training expertise Snuf is able to save his boss and his friends from many adventures.
Show Info
Network: NPO 3
(2008 -
Schedule: Fridays at 19:25
(25 min)
Status: Ended
Language: Dutch
Show Type:
Official site:
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Previous Episode
Snuf de Hond en de IJsvogel (3)
Episode 4x03; Dec 17, 2010
Tom and Mirjam are getting more and more in trouble. Tom has been locked in a trapper's cabin. Snuf has been shot. Will Mirjam succeed to stay out of Tjeerd's and his son's hands? Jimmy has more difficulties to listen to his dad, but will he and his…
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
4x03: Snuf de Hond en de IJsvogel (3) | Dec 17, 2010 | |
4x02: Snuf de Hond en de IJsvogel (2) | Dec 16, 2010 | |
4x01: Snuf de Hond en de IJsvogel (1) | Dec 15, 2010 |