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Buying the Yukon

Buying the Yukon follows hopeful homebuyers as they embark on an adventure of a lifetime: staking a claim in the Yukon. In each half-hour episode, a different set of buyers looks for new digs with a new set of parameters.

Show Info

Network: United States Destination America (2015 - 2015)
Schedule: Mondays at 22:00 (30 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type: Reality

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Celebrate 10 years with TVMaze premium.

Previous Episode

Gold Rush Town

Episode 1x13; Nov 16, 2015

Terrie and Philippe are looking for a 4 bedroom home for their blended family, but in Dawson City, a town of less than 1,500 people do they have a better chance of finding gold than a house?

Previous Episodes

Episode NameAirdateTrailer
1x13: Gold Rush TownNov 16, 2015
1x12: 360 Degree Mountain ViewsNov 9, 2015
1x11: The New Old FrontierNov 9, 2015
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Celebrate 10 years with TVMaze premium.