O Mecanismo is a thrilling, character-driven original series inspired by real events in Brazil. This fictionalized story explores how a small group of dogged investigators comes to discover the inner workings of a monstrous corruption scheme and the impact their pursuit has on everyone involved – including themselves.
Show Info
Web channel: Netflix
(2018 -
Average Runtime: 54 minutes
Status: Ended
Language: Portuguese
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 8 episodes
Created by:
José PadilhaElena Soares
Official site: www.netflix.com
7.2 (9 votes)
Previous Episode
Canastra Suja
Episode 2x08; May 10, 2019
Rigo is unable to ignore the new wiretap recording. The prospect of Thames becoming president spurs Verena to find a way to break Bretch's silence.
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
2x08: Canastra Suja | May 10, 2019 | |
2x07: O fim e os meios | May 10, 2019 | |
2x06: Réquiem | May 10, 2019 |
Extra Details
Also known as:
- Korrupciós gépezet ( Hungary)
- Mecanismul ( Romania)
- The Mechanism