The series focused on San Francisco Police Detective Frank Kohanek who discovers his city is home to numerous vampires while investigating alleged mobster, Julian Luna. Julian is the "Prince" of the city, ruler of five groups of vampires in the city, collectively called "The Kindred". The vampires survive through the "masquerade", disguising themselves as humans, and Julian strictly enforces the laws that govern them to protect their anonymity. Julian and Frank form an uneasy bond as they work together to try to prevent a vampire war and Julian struggles with his romantic feelings for human reporter Caitlin Byrne.
Show Info
Network: FOX
(1996 -
Schedule: Tuesdays
(60 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
6.6 (7 votes)
Previous Episode
Cabin in the Woods
Episode 1x08; May 8, 1996
Julian hasn't been out of San Francisco in seven years. So when Caitlin asks him to go away with her for the weekend, Julian leaves Archon in charge and goes with her sans bodyguards to Manzanita Springs in Sonoma County where Caitlin has secured a s…
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
1x08: Cabin in the Woods | May 8, 1996 | |
1x07: Bad Moon Rising | May 1, 1996 | |
1x06: The Rise and Fall of Eddie Fiori | Apr 24, 1996 |