Iron Man, also known as Iron Man: The Animated Series, is an American animated television series based on Marvel Comics' superhero Iron Man. The series aired from 1994 to 1996 in syndication as part of The Marvel Action Hour, which packaged Iron Man with another animated series based on Marvel properties, the Fantastic Four, with one half-hour episode from each series airing back-to-back. The show was backed by a toy line that featured many armor variants.
Show Info
Network: Syndication
(1994 -
Schedule: Saturdays
(30 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 13 episodes
7.2 (6 votes)
Previous Episode
Hands of the Mandarin Part 2
Episode 2x13; Feb 24, 1996
The Mandarin captures Iron Man and the rest of Forceworks. He plans to use their life forces to power the Heart of Darkness so that he can shut down all technology on the planet.
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
2x13: Hands of the Mandarin Part 2 | Feb 24, 1996 | |
2x12: Hands of the Mandarin Part I | Feb 17, 1996 | |
2x11: Hulk Buster | Feb 3, 1996 |
Robert Hays
voices Tony Stark / Iron ManRobert Ito
voices MandarinEd Gilbert
voices MandarinLinda Holdahl
voices HypnotiaExtra Details
Also known as:
- Vasember ( Hungary)
- Iron Man: The Animated Series