The mother of all destiny. Her son, the future leader of mankind. Their protector, a Terminator from the future. Together they must take back the future as Sarah Connor prepares her son to fight the war against machines determined to annihilate the human race. The clock is ticking. Can they stop Judgment Day?
Show Info
Schedule: Fridays at 20:00
(60 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 22 episodes
Developed by:
Josh Friedman
8.3 (157 votes)
Previous Episode
Born to Run
Episode 2x22; Apr 10, 2009
The Connors come face-to-face with Weaver in a confrontation that shakes John to the core and changes his reality forever. Nothing will be the same.
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
2x22: Born to Run | Apr 10, 2009 | |
2x21: Adam Raised a Cain | Apr 3, 2009 | |
2x20: To the Lighthouse | Mar 27, 2009 |

Extra Details
Also known as:
Ο Εξολοθρευτής: Τα Χρονικά Της Σάρα Κόνορ (
Terminátor - Sarah Connor krónikái (
Terminatorul: Războiul continuă (
Терминатор: хроники Сары Коннор (
Russian Federation)
Терминатор: Битва за будущее (
Russian Federation)