Set within a dystopian future driven by a global fertility crisis, The Lottery reveals a world staring down the barrel of impending extinction as women have mysteriously stopped bearing children. After years of research, Dr. Alison Lennon and her team remarkably fertilize 100 embryos. However, her victory is short-lived when the Director of the U.S. Fertility Commission, Darius Hayes, takes government control of the lab and informs the President of the monumental scientific breakthrough. To determine which women will carry the prized embryos to term, Chief of Staff Vanessa Keller convinces the President to hold a national lottery and a battle over the control of the 100 embryos begins.
Show Info
Network: Lifetime
(2014 -
Schedule: Sundays at 22:00
(60 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 10 episodes
Created by:
Timothy J. Sexton
6.5 (11 votes)
Previous Episode
In Extremis
Episode 1x10; Sep 28, 2014
The President announces the winners of the Lottery as the mystery behind the infertility crisis comes to a head.
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
1x10: In Extremis | Sep 28, 2014 | |
1x09: Mr. Torino | Sep 21, 2014 | |
1x08: Truth Be Told | Sep 14, 2014 |