The Bite follows an unexpected, deadly second wave of the coronavirus outbreak in New York City. It follows the lives of two neighbors, Rachel and Lily, as they navigate life in quarantine in New York City. While Rachel juggles her many telemedicine clients as well as a shaky, passionless marriage, Lily is upstairs just trying to convince her Wall Street clientele that her very specific skillset is still just as valuable over video as it was in person. When an unexpected, deadly second wave of the virus arrives, we follow these two women as they face unprecedented times while still juggling their careers, their loved ones - and possibly...the end of the world?
Show Info
Web channel: Spectrum Originals
(2021 -
Average Runtime: 45 minutes
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 6 episodes
Created by:
Michelle KingRobert King
Official site:
5.2 (16 votes)
Previous Episode
The Sixth Wave
Episode 1x06; May 21, 2021
Racing against time, Rachel and Lily are forced to make a decision that could alter their lives in order to save humanity.
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
1x06: The Sixth Wave | May 21, 2021 | |
1x05: The Fifth Wave | May 21, 2021 | |
1x04: The Fourth Wave | May 21, 2021 |
Extra Details
Also known as:
- Кусь ( Russian Federation)
- The Second Wave