Zootopia+ heads back to the fast-paced mammal metropolis of Zootopia in a short-form series that dives deeper into the lives of some of the film's most intriguing residents, including Fru Fru, the fashion-forward arctic shrew; ZPD dispatcher Clawhauser, the sweet-toothed cheetah; and Flash, the smiling sloth who's full of surprises.
Show Info
Web channel: Disney+
(2022 -
Average Runtime: 11 minutes
Status: To Be Determined
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 6 episodes
Official site: www.disneyplus.com
7.6 (19 votes)
Previous Episode
Dinner Rush
Episode 1x06; Nov 9, 2022
As super server Sam urgently tries to finish her restaurant shift to make a once-in-a-lifetime Gazelle concert, Flash and Priscilla show up at the last minute with hopes of a once-in-a-lifetime dinner.
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
1x06: Dinner Rush | Nov 9, 2022 | |
1x05: So You Think You Can Prance | Nov 9, 2022 | |
1x04: The Godfather of the Bride | Nov 9, 2022 |
Ginnifer Goodwin
voices Judy HoppsBonnie Hunt
voices Bonnie HoppsLeah Latham
voices Fru FruMichelle Buteau
voices Tru TruPorsha Williams
voices ChristineCrystal Kung Minkoff
voices CharismaKatie Lowes
voices BriancaExtra Details
Also known as:
- Zootropolis+