The story centers around a lazy high school boy named Aikawa Ayumu who gets killed during a spate of mysterious serial killings. However, Ayumu is resurrected as a zombie by a necromancer girl named Yuu, who Ayumu had just met before dying. Ayumu reawakens in a world surrounded by masou shoujo (magically equipped girls) and vampire ninja. Ayumu is assigned the duties of a masou shoujo by a magical warrior girl named Haruna.
Show Info
Network: Tokyo MX
(2011 -
Schedule: Mondays at 13:30
(25 min)
Status: Ended
Language: Japanese
Show Type:
Episodes ordered: 10 episodes
Official site:
7.7 (6 votes)
Previous Episode
Still, That's Okay
Episode 2x10; Jun 7, 2012
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
2x10: Still, That's Okay | Jun 7, 2012 | |
2x09: Ah, My Darling is a Ne'er-do-well | May 31, 2012 | |
2x08: Whoo, a Mixer with Kyoko! | May 24, 2012 |
Mariko Honda
voices Lilith, LiliaHisako Kanemoto
voices Yoshida, YukiChiharu Kitaoka
voices SarasvatiMina
voices Mihara, KanamiAi Shimizu
voices ArielItsuki Takizawa
voices ShimomuraRie Yamaguchi
voices Hiramatsu, TaekoIori Nomizu
voices HarunaExtra Details
Also known as:
- Kore wa Zombie desuka? ( Japan)
- Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the Dead