Episode 1
Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Jun 21, 2023 (25 min)
Linda, a 50-year-old, married mother of two, is convinced she's got early onset dementia after forgetting what a shoe is called. But when her GP tells her it is, in fact, the menopause, she feels invigorated and empowered by this information and decides to claw back some of the time she's spent doing ‘invisible work' over the years and do something for herself for a change.
Dusting off her old Triumph, she heads to the Forest of Dean to find a time capsule she hid in a tree as a child, in an attempt to reconnect with the person that she used to be.
The first people she meets are the formidable Eel Sisters, who run the Eel Café and who are adored by the men of the town. They reluctantly agree to let Linda rent their caravan on the agreement that she cleans it up first. Ironically, Linda is already cleaning, but this time she's doing it on her own terms, and for herself.
Linda spends her first night in her new home at the local pub, where she meets Tony. A man of simple pleasures, born and bred in the forest, he's rarely challenged on his outdated, often problematic points of view, but when he is, it tends to not take much to get him on side.
However, on her first day in town, Linda inadvertently sets in motion a white lie which quickly snowballs…