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Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited - Episode Guide

Season 1

The First Doctor

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: Jan 27, 2013 (27 min)

The First Doctor

The Revisited team looks back at the adventures in time and space of the original Doctor Who, played by William Hartnell, with a first look at the TARDIS and the first appearance of the Daleks. Contributors include current show runner and lead writer, Stephen Moffat, tenth Doctor David Tennant, companion John Barrowman and executive producer Caroline Skinner.

The Second Doctor

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: Feb 24, 2013 (25 min)

The Second Doctor

The Second Doctor, played by Patrick Troughton along with others brought about an incredible re-imaging of the character and the program through the Doctors regeneration that went far beyond a straightforward recasting of the role.

The Third Doctor

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Mar 31, 2013 (25 min)

The Third Doctor

Along with the introduction of colour, the Third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee, brought with him action, stunts and car chases to the Doctor Who series.

The Fourth Doctor

Episode: 1x04 | Airdate: Apr 28, 2013 (27 min)

The Fourth Doctor

Tom Baker, the Fourth Doctor and many others recall his tenure which was both the longest and arguably the most successful of the classic series.


The Fifth Doctor

Episode: 1x05 | Airdate: May 26, 2013 (26 min)

The Fifth Doctor

Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor, meets the talented people and stars who have helped create the show both past, present and future, and asks 'Who is the Doctor? What makes him tick? What will make the Twelfth Doctor unique?'

The Sixth Doctor

Episode: 1x06 | Airdate: Jun 29, 2013 (25 min)

The Sixth Doctor

Colin Baker, the Sixth Doctor and his two companions Peri Brown (Nicola Bryant) and Mel Bush (Bonnie Langford) along with others recall the defining moments of his tenure which was the shortest.

The Seventh Doctor

Episode: 1x07 | Airdate: Jul 27, 2013 (25 min)

The Seventh Doctor

The Seventh Doctor, played by Sylvester McCoy, clowned around in a question marked tank top and juggled his way around foes.

The Eighth Doctor

Episode: 1x08 | Airdate: Aug 31, 2013 (26 min)

The Eighth Doctor

The Eighth Doctor was vibrantly played by Paul McGann and this episode of The Doctors Revisited looks at the impression he made to the Doctor Who legend. With contributions from companions Daphne Ashbrook and Yee Jee Tso and current showrunner Steven Moffat, we take a detailed look at what made this Doctor so unique.

The Ninth Doctor

Episode: 1x09 | Airdate: Sep 29, 2013 (26 min)

The Ninth Doctor

Christopher Eccleston, the Ninth Doctor, heralded the return of the Doctor and brought him up to date with the 21st Century. Lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat, writer Neil Gaiman, John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness), and actor Noel Clarke (Mickey Smith) discuss Eccleston portraying a no nonsense, hard hitting and straight talking Doctor.

The Tenth Doctor

Episode: 1x10 | Airdate: Oct 27, 2013 (27 min)

The Tenth Doctor

As a dashing young man in a pin-stripe suit, the Tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant, was the thousand year-old alien you could bring home to meet your Mom. But never get on his bad side - there were no second chances with this Doctor. Featuring an all star interview list - including - David Tennant, Freema Agyeman, David Morrisey, Camille Coduri, Neil Gaiman, Peter Davison and many more.

The Eleventh Doctor

Episode: 1x11 | Airdate: Nov 24, 2013 (25 min)

The Eleventh Doctor

The Eleventh Doctor, played by Matt Smith, arrived on screen lively, funny but wise. Join the Doctors Revisited as we examine the human side of this Doctor and take a look at how his 950 years have affected him. Featuring interviews with Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman, we take a look at the Doctor's new companion Clara Oswald and catch a glimpse of the Doctor's very frightening foe The Silence.

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