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Into the Amazon with Robson Green - Episode Guide

Season 1

Episode 1

Episode: 1x01 | Airdate: May 21, 2024

Episode 1

Robson Green embarks on a journey of a lifetime to the largest rainforest on earth, home to an unparalleled diversity of life, and a refuge for black caiman, pink dolphins, sloths and piranhas – with all of whom he gets up close and personal during this remarkable three-part series.

Opening in Alter do Chao, the Amazon's answer to the Caribbean, and the "gateway" to the rainforest, Robson finds himself taking a perilous and frankly terrifying route to the very top of the tree canopy. The view however is utterly intoxicating and gives Robson some idea of just how vast and important this rich ecosystem is.

Inspired to learn more, Robson drives south, winding through swathes of land that has been cleared for cattle farming. Keen to understand more about the threats to the rainforest, he meets a farming community on the riverside who are embracing sustainable farming methods and are replanting thousands of seedlings.

One of the species threatened by deforestation are the native sloths. Robson heads to an animal rehabilitation centre where he has the rare opportunity to observe these magnificent and endearing creatures as they are prepared to be returned to the wild.

In Santarém, Robson visits a local market with a medical doctor who unveils the incredible healing qualities of some of the 80,000 plants found in the Amazon rainforest. A whopping 25% of Western cosmetics and drugs are derived from the Amazon, and Robson learns their properties could be more powerful than botox, and some are being developed as remedies for diseases such as cancer and TB. It truly is the "world's largest pharmacy".

Back in a local bar, Robson is invited to join a traditional carimbó dance, something he does with relish, whilst also attempting to introduce the "lawnmower" to Brazil.

In Manaus, the "Paris of the Tropics", Robson reveals how the Teatro Amazonas - the city's beautiful and opulent opera house - is a testament to the vast wealth created by the rubber industry. But the extravagances of those who benefitted from the boom came at a bloody price.

At the colourful Adolpho Lisboa market Robson is given an eye-popping introduction to the weird and wonderful ingredients of the Amazon by the charming and knowledgeable celebrity chef, Felipe Schaedler.

With his feet firmly back on the ground, Robson throws himself into learning capoeira, a Brazilian form of self-defence developed by enslaved people in the colonial era and cleverly disguised as a dance.

Episode 2

Episode: 1x02 | Airdate: May 28, 2024

Episode 2

Robson Green is deep in his Amazonian adventure and this time he kicks off by experiencing a truly astonishing natural phenomenon. At the "meeting of the waters", two rivers run side by side, refusing to come together like oil and water. But as this is Robson Green, he doesn't opt to observe it from the comfort of a boat or a helicopter, he gets on a water bike and pedals himself out to the spot where the waters meet.

Next Robson boards a traditional boat, his home for the next few days as he navigates the inky waters of the Rio Negro, a tributary of the mighty Amazon River. His indigenous guide Saru gives him a tour of the boat before immersing him into the forest to learn some essential survival skills. A giant bee gives Robson a painful reminder of the myriad of mysterious creatures who call the Amazon their home.

Travelling north, deeper into the wilderness, Robson visits a remarkable school on the banks of the river where pupils are taught in both Portuguese and their own indigenous language. In a touching moment, Saru shares his own shame at not being able to speak his dialect and his admiration for this intercultural way of teaching. Even more astonishingly, Robson discovers this school, in the middle of the rainforest, is producing Olympic athletes – and they're primed and ready to show off their skills.

Back at the boat Robson pits his Geordie fishing skills against Saru's indigenous prowess. The fish happen to be meat-guzzling piranhas, delicious, but dangerous! As the sun sets, Robson and Saru listen as the soundscape of the jungle changes and comes alive with the symphony of croaking tree frogs and humming insects.

Turtles have long been a delicacy in the Amazon, with locals selling and eating them, but Robson meets one man on a mission to change this mindset. At Vicelli's turtle sanctuary Robson witnesses a baby turtle hatching and helps to release yellow spotted river turtles back into the wild.

Episode 3

Episode: 1x03 | Airdate: Jun 4, 2024

Episode 3

In the third and final episode, Robson explores the breath-takingly beautiful Anavilhanas Archipelago in his canoe. An intricate pattern of tiny islands and lagoons, it's a truly magical place, and Robson is bowled over to see a white breasted hawk amongst egrets, parrots and herons.

Robson Green is a maestro of fishing, but the one technique he has never quite mastered is bow and arrow fishing. His indigenous guide, however, has archery in his blood. The competition is on - will Robson finally conquer this highly skilled technique under the watchful eye of a real expert?

Later, armed with torches, Saru and Robson go in search of one of the Amazon's most impressive predators. Guided by reflections of gleaming eyes on the riverbanks, they get up close with baby caiman that can grow up to 16 feet in length.

The Amazon has been suffering the worst drought in over 120 years, Saru takes Robson to meet a family living at a floating village to show how the low river levels affect the lives of those who depend on it.

After a sad farewell to Saru and buoyed by what has been an utterly epic river experience, Robson heads back to the capital city of Manaus where he's up with the birds – quite literally. As the sun comes up over the city, Robson is joined by an American ornithologist at an observation deck towering over the rainforest that surrounds Manaus. The Amazon is home to over 2000 species of birds, and Dr Mario knows exactly how to call them in.

The Amazon's pink dolphins hold a mythical place in the beliefs of indigenous communities, and Robson goes to meet a biologist who has long been enthralled by the mystical pink dolphin. They locate a group of dolphins and Vera shares her hopes and fears for the future of these incredible animals.

Finally, Robson has the honour of an invitation to spend time with an indigenous tribe. The Tuyuka tribe welcome him with a feast of cassava stew before painting his body using ink made from the Jenipapo fruit. Donned with feathers and traditional body art, he joins them as they dance together – it's a fitting end to his Amazonian adventure.

The sheer magnitude of the rainforest and the plethora of astounding animals, powerful plants and resourceful humans that call it home, leave an indelible mark on Robson. This is one journey he will never forget.

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