Brothers & Sisters is a one-hour hit drama that follows the California-based Walker family through the complicated maze of American life today. It revolves around a collection of enmeshed and somewhat damaged adult siblings and their strong but passionately devoted mother, Nora Walker. The Walkers' lives have not been without challenge. Romance, parenting, illness, divorce, infidelity, addiction, war and even death have pushed them to the limit. But they continue to work toward living their lives as individuals, while loving each other unconditionally and trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy.
Show Info
Network: ABC
(2006 -
Schedule: Sundays at 22:00
(60 min)
Status: Ended
Show Type:
Created by:
Jon Robin Baitz
7.5 (26 votes)
Previous Episode
Walker Down the Aisle
Episode 5x22; May 8, 2011
As Sarah and Luc's nuptials approach, plans go horribly awry and the Walkers learn several surprising lessons about the real meaning of family, on the Series Finale of "Brothers & Sisters".
Previous Episodes
Episode Name | Airdate | Trailer |
5x22: Walker Down the Aisle | May 8, 2011 | |
5x21: For Better or for Worse | May 1, 2011 | |
5x20: Father Unknown | Apr 24, 2011 |
Extra Details
Also known as:
- Testvérek ( Hungary)
- Frați și surori ( Romania)