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Addition to Crew

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

Currently I'm adding some crew to a specific number of series, but ended up with an issue as some crew tasks are done by third parties (They received the credits instead of the person of that company) and to create a new company to the people database wouldn't be useful. Is it possible to specify it into female, male or company as it is on TVRAGE?

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

Or is it too hard to implement? :)

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

I vaguely remember us talking about also indexing companies but we didn't come to any definitive conclusions. We still need to discuss in more detail how something like this could be best implemented in order for it to be future proof.

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Are you talking about company-credits on a show or on an episode level?

It wouldn't be all too hard to implement, but I wonder if it would be used (entered or viewed) a lot.

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

I guess nobody really cares about it, but it was more like show based as some crew jobs like SFX stuff or Stunt jobs are done by third parties.

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