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MTQueenie wrote 8 years ago: 1

Two major wishes regarding the watchlist.

1. That it remembers your settings if you change from the default "aired most recently" one, pretty annoying that you have to change it to like A-Z every single time you open the page.

2. That the shows you follow and watch don't just vanish from the watchlist just because you've watched all the episodes that have aired so far, personally i prefer to have all shows i watch and have watched listed together like we did on tvrage. Or at least give users the option of keeping all their watched shows in the watchlist.

Edit: Okay scratch numer one as i finally found the setting for that one

MTQueenie wrote 8 years ago: 1

Regarding your first question, check out
As for the second, would the watch list really be the right place for this? What would it display there if there are no more unwatched episodes? Have you seen the page yet where you can see & sort all the shows you follow? :)

Thanks yeah i found the settings for my first question.

As far as my second question, yeah i know about the follow page but that's not really what I'm after, personally i like having a complete list of the shows i currently watch or have watched like "show a - 83 eps - watched 81 eps" " show b - 13 eps - watched 13 eps" to keep track whereas now they just vanish from the watchlist into thin air. And for users that like that that's fine but it would be nice to have at least have the option to keep all your "watchings" in your watchlist.

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