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2 Requests, Functional and Cosmetic

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

First off, love the site, thank you for your hard work on it! I'm so happy to finally be free of thetvdb and tvrage!!

Ok, my requests:

1. In the show calendar, change the text color of season beginning and ending episodes (i.e. green for the first episode of a season and red for the last episode of a season).

2. Not as high of a priority, but it would be nice to have a dark interface option for the site :)

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thank you!

As for #1: we're planning a Countdown page, where all show premieres or season premieres are listed. When that's up, let's see again if we still want to incorporate this in the calendar as well.

#2 I'll leave for Jan to answer. I'm not sure how easy it would be to offer different kinds of interface themes.

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thanks for the reply!

1. For me the calendar is my go-to spot to see what is coming up, so I'm not sure going to a separate countdown page really accomplishes what I'm looking for but I'll definitely try it out. I've been using another site for a while now which does the coloring and I've grown to love it, here's a screenshot for reference.

2. No worries if it's too complicated, I might look into creating a Stylish theme for it if you guys and gals don't. I've never tried so not sure how the process works, but if I do it I'll be sure to share here!

Keep up the awesome work!

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hi srob,

A dark interface would indeed be nice but it will also slow down production time while debugging. So i'd rather push that back.
Please do share your stylish theme and we might just plug it :)

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hi srob,
A dark interface would indeed be nice but it will also slow down production time while debugging. So i'd rather push that back.
Please do share your stylish theme and we might just plug it :)

No worries, I'll look into the stylish stuff. I'm a self-taught Python programmer as a hobby but I can probably figure out the CSS for stylish, will report back when I have some time for it!

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

I whipped up a quick dark interface style for Stylish. To use it, go here and click on "Install with Stylish". Feel free to discuss the style here if I've missed something or you feel strongly about changing something, I'm open to suggestions!

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thanks Jan! I will post some screenshots and fix the credits later tonight, thanks for letting me know!

srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Credits updated (along with some others I found). Screenshots are now on the install page as well as the main forum, let's move any further discussion to this thread to keep things together.

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hi srob650,

I've reponded to your thread. This one is now locked.



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