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Mark "Watched All" from the Watchlist

nightchrome wrote 8 years ago: 1

Right now, if a new user joins and adds a bunch of shows with numerous seasons already in the past, they have to go to each page for each show and mark everything watched. It would be a lot more convenient if the Watchlist also had a "watched everything to this point" next to episodes, as it already shows 2-3 of the most recent and chances are a new user has watched all but the most recent episode.

I understand it makes the UI a bit cluttered in that area, but I'm sure there's some way to do it cleanly.

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

We have that. :-) go to watchlist and click on view all. On the right you can select till where you've watched something. Let us know should you have any other questions.

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

We're also planning to make it possible to mark the last episode you've watched when you start following a show, as part of this feature.

nightchrome wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yes, I understand that the functionality is on the next page. What I meant is that if you have a large number of shows to mark as read, you then need to click View All for each, click the Watched to Here button, then back to the main list for the next one. It's a 3 step process that could be a one click on the watchlist itself.

jt4703 wrote 8 years ago: 1

I just joined and would appreciate the ability to mark an entire season watched without having to go specifically into that shows watched list to do it. I've done about 1/4 of my shows and it's taken an hour to set this up. I've got a lot of shows I won't deny, but it would work so nicely from the episode list instead of having to click watched to get into a 3rd page to do what looks doable from the first or second. Would be nice if after following a show you were automatically taken to the episode list (user preference setting maybe?)

foonon wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yes, a "Mark All Watched" for each show on the Watchlist page would be great. Right next to the "View All" button.

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