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BBC's Horizon should use seasons, not years

TigerP wrote 8 years ago: 1

When I look at Horizon's episode guide on the BBC website, it shows 2014/2015 as one season. But here they are put in different season, because they are based on the year the episode aired.

Can/Should this be changed to a season number?

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

TigerP wrote:
When I look at Horizon's episode guide on the BBC website, it shows 2014/2015 as one season. But here they are put in different season, because they are based on the year the episode aired.
Can/Should this be changed to a season number?

We will look into this later, when things are a bit less busy :)

As this is a long running show it would take many hours to overlook and fix it.


TigerP wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hello Juan,

Have you been able to look into my question?

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

TigerP wrote:
Hello Juan,
Have you been able to look into my question?

Yes I looked into it, but I really got no clue here, we got every year separated as one season, it would look not good to change this now, but I asked david for a second opinion, he should weigh in here later tonight :)


david wrote 8 years ago: 1

I agree, it looks like the show has actual seasons, so those should be used instead of year numbers.

Actually fixing this for a show with 1000 episodes is quite something though. Doing that manually is hardly doable, perhaps we should look into if it can be automated.

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