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Tagging Shows

Phouza wrote 9 years ago: 1

Maybe I'm blind but I can't tag any of the shows I follow. How do you do it?

JuanArango wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hey there,

you first need to go to your "Dashboard". There you can create the "Tags" you like to have.

After that you can use them.

Hope that helped


Phouza wrote 9 years ago: 1

JuanArango wrote:
Hey there,
you first need to go to your "Dashboard". There you can create the "Tags" you like to have.
After that you can use them.
Hope that helped

I created 2 tags, still cant use them.

Ly wrote 9 years ago: 1

Phouza wrote:
I created 2 tags, still cant use them.

After you create your tags, click the "Follows" button on your Dashboard then click the button to the right of the title of the show you want to tag. Click the textbox to see your available tags, select the one you want and then press "Save" to apply it.

Phouza wrote 9 years ago: 1

Thanks a lot!

TheDave1022 wrote 9 years ago: 1

There should be a way to Tag without following and an easier way to do so without the dashboard. Some shows I plan to watch in the future and dont want to follow them now, but would like to keep track of them with my tags. For now I have to follow, add tag, unfollow.

Jan wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hi Dave,

We've been discussing ways of streamlining a couple of things. Tagging being one of them. We're meeting up in a couple of weeks to mockup everything. Improvement is on its way.

Keep the feedback coming. :)



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