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[Bug] Cast endpoint is returning duplicate entires for some people

gazza911 wrote 6 years ago: 1

I merged some of the characters as they were the same, hence why you're getting that 404

deleted wrote 6 years ago: 1

gazza911 wrote:
I merged some of the characters as they were the same, hence why you're getting that 404

Was this just a data error then? and not an issue with the api?

gazza911 wrote 6 years ago: 1

wezley98 wrote:
Was this just a data error then? and not an issue with the api?

In this instance, yes.

But David's reply is still valid; if an actor plays/voices multiple roles, you'll see them listed once for each role/character.

The only issue with the data now is I'm not sure if we'd class Kazuto Kirigaya (outside of the game), who plays Kirito in SAO (the game) as 2 separate characters or not.

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