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Actors playing different characters in a show

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

JuanArango wrote:
We only support one main character photo, but more character photos can be added to the gallery. So you could add Barry Allen and The Flash photos to the character gallery but you have to choose which photo will be displayed as the main character photo.
With Orphan Black it is totally different. Tatjana Maslany plays about seven different clones, who live in different parts of the city or even in different countries. Therefore Tatjana Maslany is added about seven times with seven completely different characters.

I'm sorry Juan but I fail to see the difference?

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

I'm sorry Juan but I fail to see the difference?

I think Juan is trying to say that Barry Allan & The Flash is basically the same character as it is a secret life of him, however it does not matter what photo you will use for this case, it can either be The Flash or simply as Barry Allan (I usually use the photo given on their official site), but in case of Orphanage, one actress plays seven different characters that are not connected to each other like it is with The Flash & Barry, so you'd have to create 7 different roles in this case.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

ThomasNL wrote:
I think Juan is trying to say that Barry Allan & The Flash is basically the same character as it is a secret life of him, however it does not matter what photo you will use for this case, it can either be The Flash or simply as Barry Allan (I usually use the photo given on their official site), but in case of Orphanage, one actress plays seven different characters that are not connected to each other like it is with The Flash & Barry, so you'd have to create 7 different roles in this case.

I could not have said it any better, but the show is Orphan Black and not Orphange :) hehehehe


JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

I'm sorry Juan but I fail to see the difference?

Well I think my explanation is as good as it can be, i cannot explain this any better or in more detail and if i remember it correctly I already explained the Orphan Black clone characters a while ago :)

Maybe just let it go then Ron, it is correct as it is dealed with right now :)

Hmm, actually one last try:

Orphan Black:

Actress Tatjana Maslany plays:

Sarah Manning

Alison Hendrix

Cosima Niehaus


Rachel Duncan

Those five characters are COMPLETELY different persons, who all live at different places, cities , countries, but one actress plays them all.
So it is obvious that they are all added as seperate characters.


Stephen Amell plays:

Oliver Queen / The Arrow

it is the SAME character, he just masks up as the Arrow and fights criminals but it is ONE person.

To sum it up:

Oliver Queen is The Arrow

Sarah Manning is NOT Alison Hendrix

Cosima Niehaus is NOT Helena....and so on


BCsDave wrote 8 years ago: 1

david wrote:
Of course I'm serious :) If there are conventions of ours that aren't immediately clear (because some other sites do it differently) I'd love to note this on the respective edit/create pages. If there are more things that come to mind, feel free to compile a list for me and I'll try to incorporate it.
The character situation is complicated though. If one actor plays two different characters on the show, there should be two separate cast entries. However, if the same actor plays a single character that's known by two names, there should be one entry listing the different names.
It's a thin line between those two situations though and it's not always straight forward what is the right choice. A good guideline might be: if the two "personages" portrayed by the actor are so different that each of them warrants a unique image & biography; there should be two characters and two cast entries.

I have a Q regarding Voice Actors in cartoons. If the actor who does a voice for a regular character is listed as main cast, will all extra characters they voice, say ones they do for one or two eps make those characters appear as part of the main cast because the voice actor is listed as so for the show? It seems to appear this way on the Futurama page under the Cast & Characters pages. Is there not a way to list their extra characters as guest so they dont appear in the main cast?

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

No, this shouldn't be. Can you give a more concrete example of what you saw?

BCsDave wrote 8 years ago: 1

david wrote:
No, this shouldn't be. Can you give a more concrete example of what you saw?

Maybe they were just inputted wrong by someone I dont know. I couldnt figure out how to edit them without deleted them from Main and recreating them as Recurring which led me to ask. I didnt want to try and do any major edit without asking first.

On the Futurama page characters like Leo Wong, Dwayne, Larry, Turanga Morris, Wernstrum, Poopenmayer, Raoul, Walt, Preacherbot are all listed as main characters as they are voiced by the main cast but only ever appeared in a couple of episodes each so are really recurring characters.

Nibbler and Cubert are listed twice in Recurring and Main cast but in their characters pages they say Main cast so dont know what happened there. Maybe entered as Recurring originally but because their character pages say Main cast as they are voiced by the Main cast they got bumped into the Main.

Only voice actor I can see that has their name in both is Kath Soucie as she voices Cubert but voiced Michelle which on her character page is listed as Guest.

Anyways I was just confused by it all and how voice actors and their characters were being listed.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

BCsDave wrote:
Maybe they were just inputted wrong by someone I dont know. I couldnt figure out how to edit them without deleted them from Main and recreating them as Recurring which led me to ask. I didnt want to try and do any major edit without asking first.
On the Futurama page characters like Leo Wong, Dwayne, Larry, Turanga Morris, Wernstrum, Poopenmayer, Raoul, Walt, Preacherbot are all listed as main characters as they are voiced by the main cast but only ever appeared in a couple of episodes each so are really recurring characters.
Nibbler and Cubert are listed twice in Recurring and Main cast but in their characters pages they say Main cast so dont know what happened there. Maybe entered as Recurring originally but because their character pages say Main cast as they are voiced by the Main cast they got bumped into the Main.
Only voice actor I can see that has their name in both is Kath Soucie as she voices Cubert but voiced Michelle which on her character page is listed as Guest.
Anyways I was just confused by it all and how voice actors and their characters were being listed.

It should be that only the voiced main characters are listed under main cast, if an actor who voices a main cast character also voices some minor characters, then those should be listed under guest cast :)


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