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Find out which actors starred in each Episode

WilliamABradley wrote 8 years ago: 1

Where is the Endpoint for finding out which actors starred in each episode? I see it in your website, where on the actor's page, you can see which episode they starred in. Is that feature currently available for the API, currently being integrated, or is it done be a separate scrapper like IMDB?

This would be great for me to filter out cast members who don't star in the current Episode, for example Doctor Who, where the summary would show all Doctors, but for the current season, it would only show the Peter Capaldi.



david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yeah, we currently only provide the generic show-level credits in the API.

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

If there is enough interest in this, it sounds like something that could be added. I don't expect it would be a priority in the short term though, to be honest.

sjhoran wrote 8 years ago: 2

This is something I'm trying to do right now, so I'd definitely be interested in this.

I assume the same is true for per-episode guest stars, too?

I'm also interested in both show level and episode level crew information. Either I'm missing something, or this info isn't yet available via the API either.

So let me add my vote for this.

Thanks again for all the time everyone puts into this site. I very much appreciate it and will try to contribute back as much as possible.


TheShepherd wrote 8 years ago: 2

david wrote:
If there is enough interest in this, it sounds like something that could be added. I don't expect it would be a priority in the short term though, to be honest.

I too would like this feature verry much. Put me down for one vote!

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