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Request show link when results shown

ItsMike wrote 8 years ago: 1

I just searched for Btooom!
I get some results but not what I am looking for.

There is no Request a show button since it found something.

So maybe it's not a bad idea to just put a link to the request page on the bottom or something?

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

ItsMike wrote:
I just searched for Btooom!
I get some results but not what I am looking for.
There is no Request a show button since it found something.
So maybe it's not a bad idea to just put a link to the request page on the bottom or something?

You could find the link in the missing request forum or click the one below.

ItsMike wrote 8 years ago: 1

ThomasNL wrote:
You could find the link in the missing request forum or click the one below.

I am aware of this. However if I have learned 1 thing in past couple years it's that people don't read.

Most people do not bother to go looking for a specific link if it isn't handed to them somewhere in the page.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

ItsMike wrote:
I am aware of this. However if I have learnt 1 thing in past couple years it's that people don't read.

Most people do not bother to go looking for a specific link if it isn't handed to them somewhere in the page.

hahaha, so true indeed :)


david wrote 8 years ago: 1

I think this is a good idea.. for a little later. Right now we're already getting an insane amount of requests; making the link more visible sounds good for when it has calmed down.

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