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List View

RaveDave wrote 8 years ago: 1

As a TVRage refugee to this site, who used TVRage in conjunction with to keep track of my shows, the one thing that the site is badly lacking in my opinion is a list view, a complete list in which every episode is listed of all followed shows for whatever time period you want to set it for, myepisodes allow the list to show as many days in the future as you want, as you watch episodes you can click the watched checkbox and this episode is then marked as watched and won't display again, there is also an acquired checkbox so that you can mark which episodes you have dvr'ed or downloaded but haven't watched yet, you can also set two background colours for the previous day listings & future days as well as one for the current day. The list is sorted by air date.

Hopefully something like this can be added.

Screenshot Example

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

A watchlist we do have already to mark watched episodes and you can see the upcoming episodes on the calendar for your following shows per month, just a matter to click the next month and watched episodes over there will have a different background too.

RaveDave wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yes, i have seen the watchlist, but its not really the same thing, it just lists shows with episodes you haven't seen the episodes could be from 5 years ago, and they will always sit on that list unless you mark them as seen even if you haven't, myepisodes lists all episodes by air date for all your followed shows and you can set the range of unseen past episodes to whatever number of days you want.

The list view is my suggestion for your site as it is the most important thing for me in any episode listing site, it will probably determine which episodes site i end up using, while the design of maybe basic there are so many great features on that site; the customisation options available for the list view and the site in general, timezones, the acquire episodes checkboxes, the ability to follow a show and if you don't like it after an episode or two mark it as ignored so it doesn't show up in your lists but you still have a record of whatever episodes of the show that you have actually watched.

Best of luck to you guys with your site

KristinnSigurdsson wrote 8 years ago: 1

Another MyEpisodes refugee here. I agree with RaveDave, the watchlist is a poor substitute for the episode list that MyEpisode had.

Being able to see, in a very concise list, what's recently aired that I haven't gotten around to yet is the single biggest feature missing from this otherwise great site.

Personally, I don't mind omitting the "acquire" bit or timezone handling. It would, however, be nice to be able to 'ignore' a show. You may not want to discard your viewing history of it just because you are no longer watching it (regularly).

zutroy wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thanks for suggesting this.

I'd like the Calendar view to have two options - Calendar View and List View.

With a lot of shows, the calendar view gets messy and exceeds the size of my monitor at a certain point. A list view would make it more manageable.

MichaelDallinger wrote 8 years ago: 1

Again not the same thing as it only shows the date of the past and next episode with no episode title and so on.

We basically want the exact myepisodes list. The data is all there, we just need a page that displays it :-)

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