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Schedule as List rather than Grid

dopnyc wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yet another TVRage refugee here. Maybe it's just conditioning, but I find a schedule in list form about a thousand times easier to scan/read than a grid. Is there any way this feature could be incorporated?

Spangtorp wrote 8 years ago: 1

I couldn't agree more. TVRage's list with my favorite shows was great. It included several things, like airdates for both latest and next episode, and you could sort the list in a couple of different ways. You could also easily remove a show from that list, something that I haven't found in TVMaze (dashboards>follows).

I think I can make the calendar view work of course, but I really miss the ability to gather all shows in an informative list, like TVRage.

porshipman wrote 8 years ago: 1

If you decrease your browserwindow in size, make it less wide, the calendar will switch over to a listview eventually, just like tvr.

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

That only goes for the calendar, not for the schedule :)

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