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Thank You Staffers

porshipman wrote 8 years ago: 1

I´d like to take a moment to thank all people who work on this site and whose names I see popping up in the Forums: David and Jan, Juan and Thomas and Jaguardog and all those who I cannot directly discern.

You are constantly busy building a great site, quickly responding to requests and complaints and all in a good spirit. It must be practically overwhelming at times working on this site and making it better step by step.

I'm glad to see that you all really respond to what is asked of you in the Forums and even take the time to discuss points of contention.



JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thank you for these nice and encouraging words :)


tintin1946 wrote 8 years ago: 1

I would also like my thanks to all the team. You are doing a fantastic job and I am very grateful for being able to quickly identify when my shows are aired. Thank you one and all

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thanks guys! It's lots of hard work, always nice to hear it's appreciated. :-)

Melissa wrote 8 years ago: 1

Appreciating your great and hard work here and the quick responses.
Thank you all very much!
I'm very impressed by the system of adding a number of new episodes, especially in point of the creating the next dates.

JAGUARDOG wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thank you so very much "porshipman" for mentioning me even though I am not a Staff member as I greatly appreciate that. I do try to help members out whenever I can especially in the wee hours of the morning when I assume most or all 4 Staff members may be sleeping. This way a member will get their request responded to sooner so they don't have to wait if I can possibly at all help them with something I have access to accomplish? Besides that the more I can help the more time that the Staff has time to add stuff to the site so I feel I am helping both the Member and the Staff at the same time!

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