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Format inconsistent between Schedule and Full Schedule

Labrys wrote 4 years ago: 1

The /schedule and /schedule/full endpoints return episodes in different formats.   Episodes from the /schedule endpoint have show information listed under the key 'show' (e.g. episode['show']) while /schedule/full embeds the show (e.g. episode['_embedded']['show']).

gazza911 wrote 4 years ago: 1

@Labrys I doubt this would be changed as it would be a breaking change for any existing usages of the endpoint.

Labrys wrote 4 years ago: 1

Personally I think that the /schedule/full format is more consistent with the rest of the api.  My recommendation would be to add '_embbeded' to the /schedule format alongside 'show' and deprecate the usage of 'show' until such time (if ever) that it makes sense to remove it.  Or you could put the new consistent format  at a new endpoint such as /schedule/partial or /schedule/filtered.

Labrys wrote 4 years ago: 1

After thinking about it I think a new endpoint would be the better solution as you can deprecate the old endpoint entirely and when usage of the old endpoint is sufficiently low you could turn it off at that time.

gazza911 wrote 4 years ago: 1

Maintaining additional large endpoints is unlikely to happen either as it requires a lot of caching.

Ultimately it would be @david's decision, but I don't think anything will do done in this instance (except maybe making the documentation clearer).

david wrote 4 years ago: 1

Ah, caught me! This has been in my notes for a future v2 API for a while now. But for the time being this isn't enough to warrant the overhead for multiple API versions. To be continued :)

Labrys wrote 4 years ago: 1

Good to hear! Inconsistencies like that bug me, but I'm patient.  Appreciate all the work you do, keep at it.

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