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О, Щелк! Произошла ошибка! Доступ запрещен!

deleted wrote 3 years ago: 1

Добрый день! При нажатии Закажите шоу выскакивает "О, Щелк! Произошла ошибка! Доступ запрещен!". Что делать?

deleted wrote 3 years ago: 1

Как сделать, чтобы продолжить заказывать шоу?Извините за неопытность!

wmulder wrote 3 years ago: 1

Since this is a site in the English language, you have a better chance to get an answer if you ask your questions in English.

Grigores wrote 3 years ago: 1

I want to create episodes for romanian tv series

i open requuest and there is an error: "Oh Snap! An error occurred!  Access denied!"

JuanArango wrote 3 years ago: 1

@Grigores wrote:
I want to create episodes for romanian tv series

i open requuest and there is an error: "Oh Snap! An error occurred!  Access denied!"

did you verify your email address yet?

Grigores wrote 3 years ago: 1

@JuanArango wrote:
did you verify your email address yet?

no, how i can do that?

JuanArango wrote 3 years ago: 2

@Grigores wrote:
no, how i can do that?

As you are editing now you have already verified it :) 

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