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Pay to Support (& Remove Ads)

annorax wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hey everyone. After dealing with terribly buggy and slow native iOS apps and other web services over the years, I've been really enjoying TVmaze for the past few weeks. It does everything I want and is extremely fast and well thought out. I'd love to have the option to pay some amount of money to not only help support the site, but also hide the ads. Any chance something like this is in the works? Thanks!

Jan wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hi Annorax,

I'm really happy to hear we've been able to provide you with a service you're happy with. It's also great to know that there are users looking for a way to help support the site financially. We talked about a system like what you're describing not so long ago but didn't know if it was worth spending time on it. Since you've asked about it, we'll revisit this in a couple of weeks.

If you have any other questions, remarks, etc don't hesitate to let us know.



david wrote 9 years ago: 1

Nobody likes advertisements, so we would indeed love to offer this!

What kind of payment methods would we need to support for people to consider this? Paypal? Credit cards? Bitcoin?

annorax wrote 9 years ago: 1

PayPay or credit card would be great. Thanks for looking into this!

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