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Countdown shows quantity

Cecile wrote 2 years ago: 1


Not really a suggestion, more an interrogation : considering the countdown page is composed of lines of 3 elements, why limit the pagination to 20 elements and not 21 ?

Is there a special reason or is it just an habit of dividing by multiple of ten ?

david wrote 2 years ago: 1

The amount of columns depends on whether you have premium (ad-free) or not, and whether you are on desktop, tablet or mobile.

Aidan wrote 2 years ago: 1

@david wrote:
The amount of columns depends on whether you have premium (ad-free) or not, and whether you are on desktop, tablet or mobile.

I agree with @Cecile it looks a bit weird.

Here's how it looks for me on desktop/premium. 

As you can see there's a empty space at the end and I have to go to the second page for the last show.


Cecile wrote 2 years ago: 0

@david wrote:
The amount of columns depends on whether you have premium (ad-free) or not, and whether you are on desktop, tablet or mobile.

Either on desktop or other device, the breakpoint is 640px for switching between a line of 3 to a column setup. So putting 18 or 21 elements will never be weird. I haven't found other breakpoints, but I may be mistaken.

I also have premium so I don't know how's the display with ads but from an entrepreneurial stand point, it seems strange to privilege non-premium setups.

david wrote 2 years ago: 2

@Cecile wrote:
Either on desktop or other device, the breakpoint is 640px for switching between a line of 3 to a column setup. So putting 18 or 21 elements will never be weird. I haven't found other breakpoints, but I may be mistaken.

I also have premium so I don't know how's the display with ads but from an entrepreneurial stand point, it seems strange to privilege non-premium setups.

Oh, yeah, here I was just explaining why it was like this. I already changed it to 18, divisible by both 2 and 3. Thanks :)

Cecile wrote 2 years ago: 1

Nice ! :)

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