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Next Ep. doesn't work properly on significant specials

MAT13 wrote 2 years ago: 2


Since significant specials don't have order numbers like regular episodes, they need to be at least day apart for "Next Ep." link to jump from one to the next. However, when there are multiple significant specials aired on the same day, they will all simply be skipped. Only first will show on "Next Ep." and only last will show in "Previous Ep.".

15 Dec 12, 2020 December 12, 1941
S Dec 12, 2020 War Against Humanity: December 1941 Pt. 1
S Dec 8, 2020 December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor Minute by Minute in Real Time - Part 10, 10:40am
S Dec 8, 2020 December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor Minute by Minute in Real Time - Part 9, 10:10am
S Dec 8, 2020 December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor Minute by Minute in Real Time - Part 8, 9:40am
S Dec 8, 2020 December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor Minute by Minute in Real Time - Part 7, 9:10am
S Dec 8, 2020 December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor Minute by Minute in Real Time - Part 6, 8:40am
S Dec 8, 2020 December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor Minute by Minute in Real Time - Part 5, 8:10am
S Dec 8, 2020 December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor Minute by Minute in Real Time - Part 4, 7:40am
S Dec 8, 2020 December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor Minute by Minute in Real Time - Part 3, 7:10am
S Dec 8, 2020 December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor Minute by Minute in Real Time - Part 2, 6:40am
S Dec 8, 2020 December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor Minute by Minute in Real Time - Part 1, 6:10am
14 Dec 5, 2020 December 5, 1941

Here's a list where you can test this. When you go from bottom one (episode 14) it'll show part 1 special but will skip the remaining 9 aired in the same day.
In the opposite direction it will show part 10 but skip bottom 9 that aired the same day.

Not sure how you can fix that without adding ordering numbers to significant specials as well. Or having time (not just date) when it aired.

Perhaps this is not so common with two or more significant specials to be aired during the same day, and probably isn't that big of a deal, but you can put it on to-do list if and when you come up with how to fix this ;))


david wrote 2 years ago: 1

Yeah, that's expected behavior. As you said it's impossible to fix, because specials don't have a number and global webchannels don't have an airtime so there's simply nothing to (further) sort them by. Doesn't sound like something we have to be very worried about though :)

TomSouthwell wrote 2 years ago: 1

I would suggest Pearl Harbour Minute by Minute would actually fall into its own guide. From data policies 

Specials should be rare; if a season has nearly as many specials as regular episodes, you're most likely doing it wrong. Specials should be standalone and not in a serial format with other specials. For example, if each episode in a season is followed by an "after show" or "webisode", those episodes should be in a separate show entry.

Also are those episode images a direct image from the episodes? Its not something id watch it just looks like the thumbnail from the YouTube video. 

MAT13 wrote 2 years ago: 1

@TomSouthwell wrote:
I would suggest Pearl Harbour Minute by Minute would actually fall into its own guide. From data policies 

Also are those episode images a direct image from the episodes? Its not something id watch it just looks like the thumbnail from the YouTube video. 

Well this, as well as The Great War had many specials. Regular episodes come out weekly, but because everything cannot be covered in them specials provide additional info. To split them into a separate show would be strange and just plain wrong. This policy is probably for more general cases, but there will always be a special cases where there may be as many specials as regular episodes, but they are still part of the same show. There are also significant special and regular specials.

And yes, they made youtube video covers for episodes so it's a good to use them as cover. Anyway, if you don't like it you can go ahead and reject or delete everything. I thought this would be the best case scenario for this show.

And policy which says "Specials should be rare..." is a policy that should be rewritten. Why should specials be rare? Who decided on that rule and why? You also have to keep in mind that times change. And with it policy should adjust as well. Especially with digital age of shows and channels. It's like saying episodes have to come out weekly, and then you have Netflix and other services that put out entire season on the same day at the same time.

Don't stick blindly to a policy that is written 6 years ago. See if it should be adjusted or updated to reflect and accommodate both past and present shows.

TomSouthwell wrote 2 years ago: 1

@MAT13 wrote:
Well this, as well as The Great War had many specials. Regular episodes come out weekly, but because everything cannot be covered in them specials provide additional info. To split them into a separate show would be strange and just plain wrong. This policy is probably for more general cases, but there will always be a special cases where there may be as many specials as regular episodes, but they are still part of the same show. There are also significant special and regular specials.

What would be strange and wrong about it, its basically a miniseries of shows following one topic? We do this everyday on the site. 

And yes, they made youtube video covers for episodes so it's a good to use them as cover. Anyway, if you don't like it you can go ahead and reject or delete everything. I thought this would be the best case scenario for this show.

I thought YouTube thumbnails were against policy? @JuanArango am I wrong? 

The attitude is unnecessary, I was asking a question. 

And policy which says "Specials should be rare..." is a policy that should be rewritten. Why should specials be rare? Who decided on that rule and why? You also have to keep in mind that times change. And with it policy should adjust as well. Especially with digital age of shows and channels. It's like saying episodes have to come out weekly, and then you have Netflix and other services that put out entire season on the same day at the same time.

Don't stick blindly to a policy that is written 6 years ago. See if it should be adjusted or updated to reflect and accommodate both past and present shows.

@david who decided on the rule and why? 

I know for a fact the policy isn't 6 years old. For what reason does the policy need rewriting?

MAT13 wrote 2 years ago: 1

@TomSouthwell wrote:
What would be strange and wrong about it, its basically a miniseries of shows following one topic? We do this everyday on the site.


This "World War II Week by Week in Real-Time" consists of these episodes:
- regular WWII weekly episode
- various significant specials in the same week (i.e. some focusing on specific people, tactics, etc.)
- various regular specials which appear maybe once every few months
- War Against Humanity episodes - these are subseries which also go along in timeline with regulars
- Spies & Ties episodes - also subseries going along with regular ones
- On the Homefront episodes - also subseries going along with regular ones

Significant specials and regular specials should stay with the show for sure because they work to complement the show.
The three mentioned sub-series could be split into three, but they are specials and also complement the show.
But this is still part of a one whole series on the same channel.

Episodes reference each other all the time and link to them because they are connected.
So splitting subseries into separate series on this site would create an unnecessary gap that was never intended in this show, imho.

There are other separate series like "Between 2 Wars" which we have as a separate entry.

Oh, about Pearl Harbor 10-episode special. This isn't separate topic.
The series follow WWII in real-time and mention what's happening at various fronts or key places, etc..
Pearl Harbor was just covered in minute-by-minute detail because of its importance so it was just referenced from regular weekly episode.

For D-Day, there's a plan to cover it as 24-hour real-time special.


I thought YouTube thumbnails were against policy? @JuanArango am I wrong?


I did not know that. If that is true, then I'll go and capture substitutes for those, but is this also true when series are made for youtube?
I mean, in these cases these covers have episode title.


The attitude is unnecessary, I was asking a question.


You read me well. My apologies.


@david who decided on the rule and why? 

I know for a fact the policy isn't 6 years old. For what reason does the policy need rewriting?


This policy wasn't written when the site came online? But policies are things that usually need to be kept up-to-date with events so sometimes need to be updated to cover various new things that come alone which may not be common in the past.

david wrote 2 years ago: 1

@TomSouthwell wrote:
I would suggest Pearl Harbour Minute by Minute would actually fall into its own guide. From data policies 

I was considering the same thing when I answered the question, but the "episode list" for this show is so random that even if you'd put all of these related specials in an individual show entry it'd still be a chaos.

I think the policy is fine; "you're most likely doing it wrong" explicitly leaves room for odd cases like this.

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