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Twin Peaks - Separate show or not

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

As the whole wide world of the vast internet is very inconsistent about this, i would like to ask for some feedback.

Twin Peaks, created by David Lynch/Mark Frost ended 1991 after two seasons.
Now we will see a reboot airing on Showtime in 2016.

The question now is, do we add it as season 3 to the original show or do we make a new show for it.

Here are some things to consider:

The creators are the same, the cast is almost the same ( a few have sadly died meanwhile) and the story will continue.
The creators themselves referred in an interview to it as a continuation of the old show.

We have two current examples of shows that got a reboot.

1. X-files, which will NOT be a new show, it will be season 10.

2. Heroes Reborn, which is a new show and NOT season 5 of the old show.

My own opinion on this is pretty much crystal clear, I am all for adding it to the old show and put it there as season 3.

Please let me hear your thoughts on this matter :)


whisperintherain wrote 8 years ago: 1

Considering the amount of time that has gone by, the move from network TV to premium cable, the change in aspect/ratio from Full Frame to widescreen, I'd say it leans more towards the "separate entity" category, like the 2012 Dallas revival or the aforementioned Heroes Reborn.

It would probably be best to wait and see how the show is presented by Showtime in official promotional material (as a season 1 or a season 3) before making a final decision, I guess.

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Yeah, that one is pretty though.

Technically it probably makes more sense to add it as a separate show. No one here expects a show to exist with a 25-year break. If we add it as a continuation, the new episodes would belong to a show premiered in 1990. I'm sure that'll confuse a lot of people. Also, the new episodes will air on a different network (Showtime) than the original two seasons (ABC).

On the other hand, the creators themselves have clearly stated that they consider it a continuation. Since our policy is to follow official sources as much as possible, I lean towards following that in this case as well and thus add them as season 3.

"The new segs will be set in the present day and continue storylines established in the second season. Frost emphasized that the new episodes will not be a remake or reboot but will reflect the passage of time since viewers last checked in with key characters. "

MTQueenie wrote 8 years ago: 1

It is not a new show but a continuation of the previous two seasons therefore it should be listed as season 3 in the old show. As Juan said, same creators, much of the cast will be back and it's a continuation of the old storyline plus Lynch and Frost has stated themselves that this is a new season of the old show not a new show.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

The two Twin Peaks shows have been merged into one show now. We gathered all information and thought this is the way to go :)


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