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Peacock DocFest

TeleTone wrote a year ago: 1

Any info. on this show? "Peaccock DocFest"? I thought it sounded kind of interesting when I first heard about it, but I can't find anything more on it, like on the regular sights (IMDb l Futon | TVDb, etc... Did it happen? I see that there is an episode list though.



JuanArango wrote a year ago: 1

@TeleTone wrote:
Any info. on this show? "Peaccock DocFest"? I thought it sounded kind of interesting when I first heard about it, but I can't find anything more on it, like on the regular sights (IMDb l Futon | TVDb, etc... Did it happen? I see that there is an episode list though.



I looked around too, but aside from a trailer or an announcement of it, I could not find anything :(

TeleTone wrote a year ago: 1

@JuanArango wrote:
I looked around too, but aside from a trailer or an announcement of it, I could not find anything :(

Thanks for your effort Juan.

TeleTone wrote a year ago: 1

@tash845 wrote:
Hi TeleTone, I found some info. re: Peacock DocFest. From: News/TV/2022/08/26/peacock-documentary-TV/2301661533533


Thank you! I appreciate your detective work, I don't sub. to Peacock but a friend does - will see if I can find it now.

tash845 wrote a year ago: 1

@TeleTone wrote:
Thank you! I appreciate your detective work, I don't sub. to Peacock but a friend does - will see if I can find it now.

@Teletone, tell your friend to Google: Docfest 2022.

TeleTone wrote a year ago: 1

@tash845 wrote:
@Teletone, tell your friend to Google: Docfest 2022.

Will do. Thanks again.

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