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Listed-view for calendars

tohdom wrote a year ago: 1

Hello. I was using sharetv for more than a decade but it is shutting down. TVmaze looks like the next best thing, but one important feature is missing - listed view.

1) I would like to see the calendar in a form of a list. It is easier to check on a glance.

2) add a few more passed weeks (now it is just one week!) to see what have I missed.

3) upcoming premieres can also use such option. Now I can see only 4 upcoming shows on my 55 inch TV at once (without scrolling down). Not everyone needs to see big thumbnails of the shows they knew they are awaiting.

Humbly hoping this will be implemented in some point in the future!

Jan wrote a year ago: 1

Hey @tohdom

The calendar takes the shape of a list on mobile due to size limitations but on larger screen it shows as an actual 'calendar'. (as the word implies).
If you want a list view you're better off with the show status. f.e

Same goes for more control over how things are listed (including premieres). Try out the show status. ;)


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