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User statistics

deleted wrote 9 years ago: 1

I´m a sucker for stats, so it would be cool to have on our profile the number of shows seen; number of shows rated; episodes seen, time spent etc =)

Jan wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hi Pedro,

Same here. We've discussed that internally before but decided on giving priority to other tools. We do plan on integrating statistics, so we're 100% open to suggestions.



deleted wrote 9 years ago: 1

yeah, i assume there are more important things on the works for you guys, maybe in a late stage i guess =)

turbopipp wrote 9 years ago: 1

Great suggestion! :) I have some more, cause I love statistics aswell! :)

"Episodes per day/month" / "Episodes watched last month" / "Number of series watched last year/month/week" / "Average amount of time between aired and watched" / "Top shows with best aired to watched ratio"

deleted wrote 9 years ago: 1

im addicted to estatistics, so i back them all up.. even if somethimes they sound "to much" lol

Jan wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hi guys,

We're currently working on the statistics page. If there are things you'd like to see integrated, now is the time for suggestions. :)



deleted wrote 9 years ago: 1

Total shows seen ( finished shows ) ; total shows following ( shows still on tv ) total shows dropped ( that would require a drop option on show ; total episodes seen; total shows rated; total episodes rated; top rated shows / favorite shows ; minutes/hours/days months spent watching shows ; infographic for percentages of channels we see ; infographic for percentages of genres we see.

deleted wrote 9 years ago: 1

Pedro said enough :p, can't add anything more to it ;)

deleted wrote 9 years ago: 1

i thin its pretty standard, it would only change the style you want to implement on the stats. i can post 4 or 5 examples here if nedded, if its ok i see them on other sites that has them and i enjoy them.

deleted wrote 9 years ago: 1 check this site, but be advised that is only stats related ( no tracking, no show info ) so it can be a bit to much to add most of it on tvmaze stats. but in my opinion the best place to get some ideas.

i will take this opportunity to add "most seen actors" so the list i made above ^^

david wrote 9 years ago: 2

It's taken us some long nights to get this right, but you asked for it and we made it happen: statistics! Read all about it in our blog post, or for the TL;DR just head over to Pedro's, Thomas' or pipp's statistics pages.

Any questions or more requests, just fire away.

deleted wrote 9 years ago: 1

WoW!... and i do mean WOW! it´s absolutly perfect :D

Jan wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hey guys,

I'm going to lock this thread. If there are any remarks, suggestions in the future just create a new one.



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