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premium calendar question

deleted wrote 5 months ago: 1

Hey guys =)

If i get premium would i be able to filter out shows that are starting on that specific day? either on calendar or scheduled? thanks in advance :)

JuanArango wrote 5 months ago: 1

@Pedro04 wrote:
Hey guys =)

If i get premium would i be able to filter out shows that are starting on that specific day? either on calendar or scheduled? thanks in advance :)

that is something for @Jan or @david to answer :)

david wrote 5 months ago: 1

I don't think so, but I'm not sure either; what exactly do you mean with "filter out shows"?

deleted wrote 5 months ago: 1

on the site im using at the moment and want to move to tvmaze ( time for a change ) i can filter out shows of a specific day or week to show me only pilot shows, new shows. its an effective way to find new shows that i find to be a must have

LouisWu wrote 5 months ago: 1

There's something that is almost what you're asking for: the Countdown. You can filter to Premieres (which are new shows, when we know the pilot has an air-date]) and choose either everything from a specific country or you followed networks (or any show you followed or tagged). Example: US Premieres.
The results are ordered by date starting with the premiere closest to today. So you might have to scroll a bit.
The best thing about it is that you don't need Premium for it 😊

deleted wrote 5 months ago: 2

@LouisWu wrote:
There's something that is almost what you're asking for: the Countdown. You can filter to Premieres (which are new shows, when we know the pilot has an air-date]) and choose either everything from a specific country or you followed networks (or any show you followed or tagged). Example: US Premieres.
The results are ordered by date starting with the premiere closest to today. So you might have to scroll a bit.
The best thing about it is that you don't need Premium for it 😊

oh i see, and that covers all shows? all networks, countries etc ? or just "Most anticipated" for example ?

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