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Question regarding adding new episodes.

Cereal_Killer wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hi there i would like to ask a question regarding adding new episodes on shows.

So i'm not from the USA and pretty much every episode that comes out i don't know much about other then the day it airs and the info about it.

When creating an episode or adding (i don't know how it's called), you have an option to add a new episode there is an option to set a time for the episode air time.

My question is:

How do people outside of the USA can add episodes without their edits being marked as incorrect if there is a time slot change or something different?

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hi Cereal,

Everyone is able to add new episodes to a show, whether this is an US show or an UK show etc., but I am not entirely sure what you're trying to ask. Could you explain yourself in a better way?


Cereal_Killer wrote 8 years ago: 1

Ok here is what i'm asking.

I live outside of the USA, all i know about the series and the episodes that come out are the network that is coming out in, the title of the episode and the description of the episode. Since this website has the ability to add new episodes and shows and everything is from the community, how can i add episodes if i'm not from the USA. Everyone can add episodes that part i know, but how can my edit or added episode be accepted as correct if i'm creating it with a wrong air date.

When adding an episode you have option to set air time. When you live outside of the USA you don't know what time that show comes out so you don't know if your add is with the correct time slot. A lot of the times episodes are postponed, missed (not aired) or even changed dates and aired an old one on the new ones place. My question is if there is problem and the new episode that i have added is not aired on the air date when the episode was added will my edit be marked as a wrong? And if my episodes are marked as wrong or incorrect will there be ban?

In a simple words if you live outside of the USA and you add episode that episode doesn't air, the air time is wrong or the episode is postponed or the episode doesn't air because of breaking news or something different, will i get a ban or will i be allowed in the future to add, edit or make any addition to the site.

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

Cereal_Killer wrote:
Ok here is what i'm asking.
I live outside of the USA, all i know about the series and the episodes that come out are the network that is coming out in, the title of the episode and the description of the episode. Since this website has the ability to add new episodes and shows and everything is from the community, how can i add episodes if i'm not from the USA. Everyone can add episodes that part i know, but how can my edit or added episode be accepted as correct if i'm creating it with a wrong air date.
When adding an episode you have option to set air time. When you live outside of the USA you don't know what time that show comes out so you don't know if your add is with the correct time slot. A lot of the times episodes are postponed, missed (not aired) or even changed dates and aired an old one on the new ones place. My question is if there is problem and the new episode that i have added is not aired on the air date when the episode was added will my edit be marked as a wrong? And if my episodes are marked as wrong or incorrect will there be ban?
In a simple words if you live outside of the USA and you add episode that episode doesn't air, the air time is wrong or the episode is postponed or the episode doesn't air because of breaking news or something different, will i get a ban or will i be allowed in the future to add, edit or make any addition to the site.

Dates could be picked from their official sites for example or press releases given by a site. It may happen that the channel decides to delay their airing time later on, but I'm pretty sure many people will notice it and fix it if it is incorrect. Don't you worry about banning ;)

Cereal_Killer wrote 8 years ago: 1

I'm asking because i like the site and a lot of times there are incorrect info or i add new info, but i don't know the criteria for ban or penalty for wrong episodes air time, wrong episode info and so on. And will there be any kind of removal of editing writes to people who violated any of the terms of the editing rules.

JuanArango wrote 8 years ago: 1

Cereal_Killer wrote:
I'm asking because i like the site and a lot of times there are incorrect info or i add new info, but i don't know the criteria for ban or penalty for wrong episodes air time, wrong episode info and so on. And will there be any kind of removal of editing writes to people who violated any of the terms of the editing rules.

If someone constantly violates the policies he will be banned from editing, if someone only makes a mistake, we will message him and talk with him, then he can edit again :)


david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Cereal_Killer wrote:
I'm asking because i like the site and a lot of times there are incorrect info or i add new info, but i don't know the criteria for ban or penalty for wrong episodes air time, wrong episode info and so on. And will there be any kind of removal of editing writes to people who violated any of the terms of the editing rules.

Thanks for asking! We're currently writing a detailed policy that'll tell you exactly what's considered correct and incorrect. It'll be public very soon!

Cereal_Killer wrote 8 years ago: 1

Thank you to all i guess i will be adding info and hope to not get it wrong.

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