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Display cancelled/renewed.

LouisT wrote 9 years ago: 1

Loving the API so far, was just curious if it were possible to add if the show has been cancelled or renewed for a next season and if also possible the date for when these actions happened.

Jan wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hi LouisT,

It's already possible to get the show status.


I don't think you can currently get a specific date of when a show ended aside from checking the airdate of the last aired episode.

David will be able to give you a clearer answer.



LouisT wrote 9 years ago: 1

Well yes, you can find out if it's running or ended currently, but that doesn't tell me if it is ended because it was cancelled or not. I guess I didn't explain that very well, sorry.

david wrote 9 years ago: 1

Thanks! We don't currently store this information on the site, so we can't quite make it available in the API either. It's definitely planned for the future though.

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