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Progressbar on each meta-achievement, and more achievements? ++

turbopipp wrote 9 years ago: 1

First I got to say, awesome job on the statistics page, and the achievements are a welcome bonus! :)

On the achievements that require 50/100/250/1000 of something before they are earned, it would be nice to have a separate progressbar on each of them that only you can see when logged in.

And would it be possible to add more achievements. Something above WatchMaster, something between 100 and 1000 edits(will help with the quality of the site), and something above "Got the power"(more voting = a future top rated list)?

And perhaps forum posts should be a part of the social points?

Jan wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hey Turbopipp,

The progressbar is something we want to do but there was no reason to delay the release of achievements. It will probably be added in the future.

As for the achievements. Give us as all the suggestions you can think of. More can and will be added in the future.



david wrote 9 years ago: 1

Sometimes you read our minds :-) We indeed already envisoned exactly this (a progress bar per achievement, where applicable), but it's a lot more work than the current implementation so it'll have to wait a little longer.

turbopipp wrote 9 years ago: 1

Sorry, I was hoping I could come up with some new ideas. :)

Take all the time in the world, you know best what has priority. Speaking of..would it be possible to keep a thread on the forum that you update after each new release. Perhaps "Upcoming additions" or something to that effect? It would be nice to see what you are currently working on, and what to expect the next couple of months.

turbopipp wrote 8 years ago: 1

"Mark at least 10000 episodes as watched" ;)

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