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Single mark as seen, without impacting recent statistics?

turbopipp wrote 9 years ago: 1

I come across some shows where I have seen season 3 and 4 on TV but not 1 and 2. To mark them without impacting this weeks statistics, I need to mark all, then single click 44 episodes or more because they are actually unseen.

Will it be possible to single mark episodes without it impacting daily/weekly/monthly statistics?

david wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hmm, that's an interesting scenario.

Technically it would be very simple, but I'm not sure how we could enable this in the UI without making it too cluttered or confusing. Any ideas?

We could display a modal after clicking the watch button (or perhaps only after clicking it for a 2nd time) that lets you pick a specific date. But I'm worried that that might confuse a lot of people who just want to mark/unmark an episode and don't care about storing the exact watch time.

turbopipp wrote 9 years ago: 1

Current: "Mark this episode and all previous ones as watched"

Add: "Mark this episode and all consecutive ones (until nearest marked) as watched"

(add this new option only to those lines who has a marked episode below)

I think that would do the trick. :)

death_NEET wrote 8 years ago: 1

Had this problem on a few shows myself. (Mostly talk shows or news programs.)

I don't have an issue with the watch time, but I wouldn't mind seeing a few more options for shows started part way through.

Like turbopipp said, I think simply having a reverse arrow pointing upwards when you hover over an episode, to mark those in reverse would be a big help. As for the watch list itself, I think putting a check box next to the "Follow" button on show pages, or next to each title on the watch list, to only follow new episodes would be all you need. Then just have the episodes in your watch list start from your last watched episode.

turbopipp wrote 8 years ago: 1

Current: "Mark this episode and all previous ones as watched"

Add: "Mark this episode and all consecutive ones (until nearest marked) as watched"
(add this new option only to those lines who has a marked episode below)

With this new logic, I think it would make more sense to use a "fa fa-angle-double-up" icon for "mark all previous", and a "fa fa-angle-double-down" icon for "mark all consecutive(until nearest marked)"

E.g. If episode 5 is marked, then "mark all consecutive" would be shown in column 1-4, and "mark all previous" would be shown in column 6-n. Pseudocode for your coders: if($marked_below == true) then $output_icon = 'consecutive' else $output_icon = 'previous'


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