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Search by IMDb id and themoviedb

CharlieAllombert wrote 8 years ago: 1

Either of those would be great, any plan to add either?

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

Hi Charlie,

We have touched the subject internally and intend on expanding the Lookup at some point. No eta yet for now though.
We'll likely discuss it again soon since you've brought it up.



CharlieAllombert wrote 8 years ago: 1

TheTVDB is quite outdated in terms of data organization and storage so I know a lot of people are moving away from it, especially now that themoviedb has pretty much the same data as they do.

Didn't even know until today TVRage had an api.

I'll keep on checking for those new lookup options.


liiight wrote 8 years ago: 1

i think it's great you added this, but it would also be great if you had updated the api changelog as well, since i just accidently stumbled onto this thread :)

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

There is one...

But there is a lag between the updates we're implimenting and adding it to the changelog.

We'll try to update the changelog more frequently in the future so that users who follow it will get notified.



srob650 wrote 8 years ago: 1

+1 to updating the changelog more often, the sooner myself or liiight know about a change the sooner we can implement it in pytvmaze (and my upcoming Plex Metadata agent)

david wrote 8 years ago: 1

Apologies, updating the changelog has lagged behind recently. I'll get on catching up and will try to maintain it better afterwards!

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