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Search History

deke40 wrote 8 years ago: 1

I just noticed that if I do a search I get items I have searched for on Google or some other search engine.

These searches had nothing to do with TV or movies. I found this little tid bit in thr privacy policy:

"However, TVmaze uses external services, including but not limited to Google Analytics and Google Adsense, which might track additional information about you. For more information, we refer you to their respective privacy policies".

I have Google search history turned off, so where is this coming from?

This doesn't happen on my S5 or my laptop, only on my S4 Tablet.

deke40 wrote 8 years ago: 1

I just did a test search thru Google of a uncommon term and checked tvmaze's search box and it is on there in the drop

down list of suggestons. This is very baffling.

bungle wrote 8 years ago: 1

hmm sounds like your browsers autocomplete maybe?

deke40 wrote 8 years ago: 1

I have auto complete turned off.

I clicked on one of the search suggestons in the drop down list and it goes no where which

is understandable as it has nothing to do with "people or shows". It actually says "Pardon us, but no shows or people matching your query were found"

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

Illuminati confirmed!!!

Hi deke40,

In all seriousness, we don't keep that kind of data and don't have any autocomplete in the search (yet).
As bungle mentioned: Try clearing your history. It is most likely your browser. If it's not, let us know what you've found. Other users might find it helpful as well.



deke40 wrote 8 years ago: 1

Jan wrote:
Illuminati confirmed!!!
Hi deke40,
In all seriousness, we don't keep that kind of data and don't have any autocomplete in the search (yet).
As bungle mentioned: Try clearing your history. It is most likely your browser. If it's not, let us know what you've found. Other users might find it helpful as well.

Even though I have google history turned off I went in and used the "delete all" function the suggestions are still there.

I tried every search box on every site I have a shortcut to and it doesn't happen anywhere else.

i am also convinced it isn't your site. By the way I noticed Epguides now uses you for episode info. Great site

you have. Why am I getting double spacing between sentences?

PS-I also deleted all history, cookies and the whole enchilada.

deleted wrote 8 years ago: 1

Using enter gives you double spacing. You either can use ctrl + enter or just write behind the last dot.

Jan wrote 8 years ago: 1

shift+enter works too btw.

deke40 wrote 8 years ago: 1

For both of the suggestions.

deke40 wrote 8 years ago: 1

I went to privacy settings and deleted all 6 items in there and the search suggestions cleared. I did one google search and went back to tvmaze and the search term showed up after typing the first letter. This isn't causing a big problem just ticks me off I can't figure what is causing it.

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