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Profile Suggestion (or is it a bug?)

estioe wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hey guys!

I was looking at my public profile (THANK YOU SO MUCH for adding a public linkable page!) and noticed that under Stats, the Shows button towards the top is a link but when I click it it doesn't lead to any page. I'm not sure if that's a bug or not, and if it's not, would it be possible to take it into consideration to have that link linkable to a public page where others can view a users tv shows?

Thanks again for all your hard work!

Jan wrote 9 years ago: 1

Hey estioe,

Not a bug. For now it doesn't do anything yet. In the future it will give you more information. I get how it's misleading to currently have it as a link while it doesn't do anything. The layout already had that integrated and during development we left it in there.

We'll work towards getting it straightened out.

Tnx for pointing it out.



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