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  • Registered since: Dec 24, 2014

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Political Violence: America's Bloody History Episode

Political Violence: America's Bloody History

This episode did not air as scheduled at 22:00 tonight, July 21, 2024, because of CNN's continuing coverage of President Joe Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 US presidential race, which was announced during the afternoon. I deleted the airdate of July 21, 2024 and recommend this episode listing remain until it is rescheduled. That will save time re-entering everything.

The Universe's Greatest Hits Episode

The Universe's Greatest Hits

Retitled, this episode re-aired on 6/2/2021 as "The New Explorers" without changes except for the title. It highlights missions to explore Pluto (New Horizons), the Hubble Telescope (repair), asteroid Bennu (OSIRIS-REx), Mars (Curiosity), and Saturn (Cassini). 

No image (yet). Episode

Episode 1

I deleted Kaitlan Collins as Host in this episode since The Source with Kaitlan Collins did not premiere until July 10, 2023. 

No image (yet). Episode

Episode 120

This July 10, 2024 episode marks the one-year anniversary for the premiere of The Source with Kaitlan Collins. She reviews her year at the end of this episode.

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