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API Versioning for clients?

ivanskodje wrote 6 years ago: 1

Is there currently a way to know, via a versioning number, or equivalent, when TVMaze have updated their API?

For example, if an additional property have been added to Show, Episode, Network, etc.

If the answer is no; I would suggest that we implement this functionality. Otherwise it would be very challenging to know when the API has changed, other than getting errors in your application. :)

gazza911 wrote 6 years ago: 1

As far as I know, there's no version numbers.

However, changes to the API will be done in ways that are backwards-compatible like making it as another endpoint/optional parameter.

It technically is possible for new properties to break it if you're just looping through an index of them, but that's just not how you're meant to use JSON - you're meant to reference it by name (i.e show.officialSite).

The closest thing to public versioning is the API Changelog thread, however that can't be accessed externally.

david wrote 6 years ago: 1

The user-API is versioned using the Swagger/OpenAPI scheme:

Currently there is no versioning in the public API, which means there won't be any backwards incompatible changes. If we ever do need to make them, versioning will be added first. But regardless you can expect backwards compatible changes like adding new endpoints, or adding new properties to an existing object. Your application should handle those gracefully, but unless you're doing something extremely strange, it already will.

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