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Watchlist updating multiple entries in mobile

AlphaTVMaze wrote 5 years ago: 1

Hi! The watchlist selector for episodes (acquired, watched, downloaded) recently got a new design. In principle it works great because with a single tap/click you get to mark episodes as watched. However, on mobile, the episode will disappear and another one will be placed under the same location where the tap is happening, marking a second episode as watched. This happens even when taking care of doing a single quick tap.

I'm able to reproduce this in an iPad pro 2015, which is my main device. I'd be glad to test on some others if it helps.

Thank you!

Jan wrote 5 years ago: 1

Hi there, on what browser + version are you experiencing the issue? I haven't been able to reproduce this yet.

AlphaTVMaze wrote 5 years ago: 1

Jan wrote:
Hi there, on what browser + version are you experiencing the issue? I haven't been able to reprod. uce this yet.

I'm using Chrome in iOS 12. I believe the rendering engine is the same as Safari so it should also happen in there too.

david wrote 5 years ago: 1

I can't reproduce this on various browsers either. If anyone else has problems, please let us know.

AlphaTVMaze wrote 5 years ago: 1

Hi! I hope you're doing good. I uploaded a video so you may get to see the behavior I was describing. Unfortunately, I cannot show you my own finger because I screen-recorded, but I absolutely assure you that I hit the icon only once and only for an instant.

I hope this helps!

david wrote 5 years ago: 1

Thanks for taking the time! Does it only happen when - like on your video - you're marking the final episode of a show after which it disappears from your watchlist?

AlphaTVMaze wrote 5 years ago: 1

david wrote:
Thanks for taking the time! Does it only happen when - like on your video - you're marking the final episode of a show after which it disappears from your watchlist?

Hi! No problem!

This happens even if the episode is not the last one in a show. Because that episode disappears, the next one appears right in the same place.

I've been experimenting a bit more -- I think the double clicks never actually happen, but instead the hover style gets applied incorrectly to the episode that comes right after.

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