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Request Better Updates API

v00v wrote 5 years ago: 1

Right now it only shows ID+Unix-Timestamp for ( Can you please extend this Updates API to also include basic series info at least "Title", "Premiere Date", "Show Type", "Status" ? This will eliminate the need for calling api second time for this basic info at<id> Optionally, you can create a second extended version of this something like; that also include everything in Main show info at<id> THANK YOU!

gazza911 wrote 5 years ago: 1

This isn't the intention of the endpoint.

You should only use it to determine what shows you need to get the information for.

You'd be wasting lots of resources if say you only needed those updated in the last week.

david wrote 5 years ago: 1

Indeed, adding (basic) show info to this endpoint would make it insanely intensive for both client and server.

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